Molecular Basis of Inheritance


Mind Map on Molecular Basis of Inheritance, created by Samantha Hawkins on 11/11/2013.
Samantha Hawkins
Mind Map by Samantha Hawkins, updated more than 1 year ago
Samantha Hawkins
Created by Samantha Hawkins almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Molecular Basis of Inheritance
  1. Chromatin-containing DNA and proteins
    1. Histones
      1. Nucleosomes: Core of 8 Histones (10nm in diameter)
      2. Heterochromatin-tightly packed version of DNA
        1. Euchromatin-lightly packed chromosomes- DNA, RNA, proteins
          1. DNA 2nm
            1. Chromatid 700nm
            2. Restriction enyzmes
              1. Cloning DNA
                1. PCR-polymerase chain reaction
                  1. Libraries
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