3. People identify objects by recognizing patterns


Mind Map on 3. People identify objects by recognizing patterns, created by Miguel Torres6840 on 21/09/2015.
Miguel Torres6840
Mind Map by Miguel Torres6840, updated more than 1 year ago
Miguel Torres6840
Created by Miguel Torres6840 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

3. People identify objects by recognizing patterns
  1. Recognizing patterns helps you make quick sense of the sensory input that comes to you every second.
    1. Individual cells respond to certain shapes.
      1. For example some cells in the visual cortex respond only to: horizontal lines, vertical lines, certains angles
      2. The visual cortex is more active when you are imagining, because have to work harder since the stimulus is not actually present.
        1. The geon theory of object recognition
          1. You recognize basic shapes in what you are looking at, and use these basic shapes or geometric icons, or GEON, to identify objects
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