

federalism and related ideas
Quinn Dao
Mind Map by Quinn Dao, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by Noodleboy98 about 9 years ago
Quinn Dao
Copied by Quinn Dao about 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Federalism splits the power between the states and the federal government
    1. Federal government: delegated powers - enumerated powers given specifically to the national government, implied powers - powers that may be reasonably inferred from the Constitution
      1. State government: reserved powers - powers belonging specifically to the state
      2. The Bill of Rights 10th Amendment was created to balance the power between the federal government and the state governments making sure that they are equal.
        1. Conflicts within federalism occur for the system have disadvantages
          1. Conflicts between authorities, division of powers creates constant arguments over which government should receive what kind of power
            1. Complications happen due to having many governments to deal with
              1. Federal government and state governments disagreement on policies within their state
              2. Other powers within federalism exist to clearly define or limit the government powers
                1. Concurrent powers - powers that belong to both the national and state governments
                  1. Prohibited powers - powers that are denied to the national government, state governments, or both
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