Feature Article Structure


Mind Map on Feature Article Structure, created by caitlinbearpark on 14/11/2013.
Mind Map by caitlinbearpark, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by caitlinbearpark over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Feature Article Structure
  1. Title & Headline
    1. Grabs readers attention
      1. Persuades the audience to read the article
        1. Highlights the main ideas
          1. For online articles use key words
          2. Introduction
            1. Outline subject/ theme of article
              1. Provoke readers interest
                1. Unusual statement
                2. Provide any necessary background information
                  1. Controversy
                    1. Invite the reader to take sides
                    2. Heighten drama
                      1. Create reader/writer relationship
                        1. Establish the writers tone
                        2. The main body
                          1. Number of paragraphs
                            1. Expands topic into subtopics
                              1. Subheadings
                              2. Personal viewpoints
                                1. Support writers opinion
                                  1. Facts
                                    1. Statistics
                                    2. Quotes and interviews
                                      1. Opinions from authorities and experts
                                        1. Anecdotes and stories
                                          1. Specifics
                                            1. Names
                                              1. Dates
                                                1. Places
                                                  1. Accuracy
                                                2. Concluding paragraph
                                                  1. Lasting impression
                                                    1. Enter text here
                                                      1. Suggest appropriate course of action
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