

The summary of sterilisation
Melvin  Lim
Mind Map by Melvin Lim , updated more than 1 year ago
Melvin  Lim
Created by Melvin Lim over 2 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Destroying or eliminating pathogens from ...
    1. an object
      1. food
        1. environment
        2. Ways of sterilisation
          1. Heat treatment


            1. Boiling
              1. Kill most microorganisms except thick-walled spores
                1. Milk bottles, metal spoons and forks, surgery equipment
              2. Heating
                1. Autoclave


                  1. Kill microorganisms and spores using high pressure and high heat.
                    1. Glassware, culture mediums and surgical tools.
                2. Chemical treatment
                  1. Antiseptic
                    1. Kills or inhibits microorganisms on the skin or wounds
                      1. Examples
                        1. Iodine solution, hydrogen peroxide, ethanol, acriflavine, potassium permanganate solution
                      2. Disinfectant
                        1. Examples
                          1. Iodine solution, chlorine, phenol, copper sulphate and Lysol
                          2. Sterilises walls, floors, blankets, bedsheets, toilet bowls and medical tools.
                        2. Radiation treatment
                          1. Gamma rays
                            1. Disinfect tools that are sensitive to heat and chemicals..
                              1. Plastic tools, medications, vaccines, syringes an surgical tools.
                            2. UV rays
                              1. Use sunlight to kill microbes on ..
                                1. mattress, pillows and clothes
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