Good Breakfast Cafe


Jolene Ong
Mind Map by Jolene Ong, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Avinash Kumar2359
Created by Avinash Kumar2359 over 8 years ago
Jolene Ong
Copied by Jolene Ong over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Good Breakfast Cafe
  1. EBird (For breakfast options)
    1. Interactive Corner
      1. Peer pressure to eat breakfast regularly
      2. Touchscreen Ordering Kiosk
        1. Quick ordering saves time in a packed morning
        2. Menu
          1. More appealing breakfast choices encourages children to eat
          2. Attractive Packaging
            1. Makes food more attractive, encouraging children to eat
            2. Smart Tables
              1. Promoting parental influence on breakfast consumption
            3. Tech Corner (For education)
              1. Interactive Standees
                1. Psychological connection with standees helps educate children better
                2. Virtual Reality Game
                  1. Being present in a scenario instead of reading off information helps educate children better
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