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Bust of Commodus essay
NCEA LEVEL 3 Classsical Studies Mind Map on Bust of Commodus essay, created by P.C on 11/20/2013.
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classsical studies
ncea level 3
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, updated more than 1 year ago
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about 11 years ago
Resource summary
Bust of Commodus essay
Style is idealism
demonstrates many characteristics of being God like
Propagandist message
Paragraph 1-Artistic context
a. made around 190AD
Popular style: Antonie Baroque used by the five good emperors
b. demonstrates Antonie Baroque
smooth cheeks and forehead
contrasts with elaborate deep drilled and curled mounds of hair and beard
c. Propagandist message
Compare to five good emperors
much loved, brought peace and prosperity
hoping to gain support
Paragraph 2- Artistic
idealistic style used as propagandist message
a. made of polished marble
common characteristic in idealism perfect no imperfections in the skin
b. Commodus in his prime
gladiatorial skills shown
p message having all the power
Body turned and eyes looking to the right
power not looking directly at you
depicted strong on a shield
P.m. used to show Roman empire not just gladiator
there to protect the city of rome, so should be grateful for the protection he provides
Paragraph 3-Hero culture
Heroes were worshiped like Gods
strong motif of Hercules(demi god)
a.not only immortal but also should be worshipped like god
b. holding apples
Hesperides apples (most likely)
11th labour
bringing growth and properity
c. Club decorative too small
primarily used to highlight similarities
d. lions head and skin
p message to show he like H skill and when challenge any beast and win
e. depicts some of 12 labours steps to immortality suggests he too immortal
Paragraph 4-historical context
there was many times of suffering /anguish
other emperors approach were not then same as commodus
like Commodus Philip the Arab the Roman Empire was suffering
Philip verism life like
2. to depict worry for the Empire
2. frown and sadness in his eyes
Commodus looks strong and victorious
comparing highlights true motive of the bust
no suffering demo in commoduc
used for p.m. to highlighted covering up of suffering
self indulgent and power hungry
caused suffering
pretended to be the best thing that happen to Rome
both wanted to show nobility
descendant of hercules
Roman trabeated toga to validate his reign by showing himself as a roman citizne
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