Sources of Human Knowledge


Mind Map on Sources of Human Knowledge, created by seema tahir on 19/10/2015.
seema tahir
Mind Map by seema tahir, updated more than 1 year ago
seema tahir
Created by seema tahir over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Sources of Human Knowledge
  1. Revealed Knowledge
    1. Shariah (The Revealed Law)
      1. Heart
        1. Rulings (Hukm)
          1. Commands(amr)
            1. Indifferent (Mubaah)
              1. Encouraged
                1. Obligatory
                  1. Recommended
                2. Prohibitions( nahy)
                  1. Forbidden
                    1. Reprehensible
                  2. Reports(Khabar)
                    1. Situation of the Cosmos
                      1. Situation of the Real
                        1. Can not be Known
                          1. His Essence
                          2. Can be Known
                            1. Unlikeness
                              1. Likeness
                      2. Acquired Knowledge
                        1. Unveiling/Gnosis
                          1. Divine self disclosure
                          2. Reflection
                            1. Reason
                              1. lead man to the understnding that he cannot reach Knowledge of God through his own Resources
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