English Restoration


English Restoration
Ronald Amilcar N�jera Reyes
Mind Map by Ronald Amilcar N�jera Reyes, updated more than 1 year ago
Ronald Amilcar N�jera Reyes
Created by Ronald Amilcar N�jera Reyes about 1 year ago

Resource summary

English Restoration
  1. Politics
    1. Restoration of the monarchy
      1. Charles II reing
        1. The Restoration Settlement
          1. The Bill of Rights
          2. Culture
            1. Literature of the Restoration
              1. Metaphysical poets
                1. Devotional poets
                  1. Cavalier poets
                  2. Restoration Comedy
                    1. Public Theaters
                    2. Science
                      1. Scientific Revolution
                        1. Royal Society of London
                          1. Robert Boyle
                            1. Isaac Newton
                            2. Religion
                              1. Anglicanism
                                1. Non Conformists
                                  1. Quakers
                                    1. The Great Ejection
                                    2. International Relations
                                      1. Anglo-Dutch Wars
                                        1. Treaty of Breda
                                          1. Treaty of Dover
                                            1. The Glorious Revolution
                                              1. The United Kingdom
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