HACCP Chart for preparing a Bolognese sauce made using fresh minced beef. (8 marks)


Mind Map on HACCP Chart for preparing a Bolognese sauce made using fresh minced beef. (8 marks), created by nlvmeimei on 10/11/2015.
Mind Map by nlvmeimei, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
jane stainer
Created by jane stainer over 8 years ago
Copied by nlvmeimei over 8 years ago

Resource summary

HACCP Chart for preparing a Bolognese sauce made using fresh minced beef. (8 marks)
  1. Storage
    1. HAZARD
      1. If not stored correctly, food poisoning bacteria could grow and contaminate other food (cross contamination). Minced beef is a 'high risk' food.
      2. CONTROL
        1. Use before 'use by' date.
          1. Store in a suitable container.
            1. Label food with date and use by that date.
              1. Bottom shelf in refrigerator.
                1. Keep at a safe temperature (fresh minced beef at 5 degrees C or under).
                  1. Rotate stock so oldest food is used firs
                2. Cooking
                  1. HAZARD
                    1. Food poisoning bacteria could survive the cooking process - i.e.undercooked or not cooked for correct time
                    2. CONTROL
                      1. Check Bolognese sauce is cooked thoroughly (simmer for at least 20 mins).
                        1. Cook to above 75 degrees C.
                          1. Check Bolognese sauce is cooked thoroughly (simmer for at least 20 mins).
                        2. Preparation
                          1. HAZARD
                            1. Danger of cross contamination if placed next to raw foods.
                              1. If removed from storage too early, food poisoning bacteria could grow.
                              2. CONTROL
                                1. Do not remove from storage until ready to use.
                                  1. Wash hands before handling food.
                                    1. Use clean equipment.
                                      1. Separate raw and cooked foods.
                                        1. Use different boards etc. for different foods.
                                      2. Hot-holding
                                        1. HAZARD
                                          1. If temperature drops it could go to danger zone.
                                            1. Bacteria could produce toxins (poisons).
                                              1. Survivng food poisoning bacteria could grow.
                                              2. CONTROL
                                                1. Keep food at 63 degrees C or higher.
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