Hand Over November 2015 DC Manager


Mind Map by manuel.cano, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by manuel.cano almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Hand Over November 2015 DC Manager
  1. ROLE
    1. operation
      1. efficiency
        1. best level store service
        2. team
          1. development
            1. ready for future
            2. profitability
              1. efficiency
                1. work enviroment
                  1. equipment/invesment
                  2. tender
                  3. report
                    1. local
                      1. global
                    2. VISION / MISSION
                      1. 2020
                        1. right product at the right time at the right place
                          1. talents
                            1. training
                            2. employe of choice
                              1. working conditions
                                1. attract new people
                          2. RESPONSABILITY
                            1. ensure future
                              1. safety & healthy place
                                1. unions relation
                                  1. staff development
                                  2. OUTCOME 2015
                                    1. difficult year regarding efficiency
                                      1. new learnings for the future
                                      2. global audit
                                        1. delegate
                                        2. % of sales below budget
                                          1. planning accuracy
                                            1. transport tender
                                          2. GOALS
                                            1. FLOW (success launch)
                                              1. training
                                                1. talents
                                                  1. create the enviroment of the big change for whole team
                                                  2. GPTW (increase results)
                                                    1. general satisfaction
                                                      1. leadership
                                                    2. BIG ROCKS
                                                      1. FLOW
                                                        1. GPTW
                                                          1. people
                                                            1. leadership
                                                              1. compensation
                                                                1. underperformance
                                                              2. healthy
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