C1 - Quadratic Functions


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Harman Rai
Mind Map by Harman Rai, updated more than 1 year ago
Harman Rai
Created by Harman Rai almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

C1 - Quadratic Functions
  1. Plotting the graphs of quadratic functions
    1. The General form of a quadratic equation is: y = ax*2 + bx + c
      1. You complete the graph by plotting points found by drawing a table of values
      2. Solving quadratic equations by factorisation
        1. Quadratic equations have two solutions or roots.
            1. Completing the square
              1. Completing the square is a form of writing quadratic equations
                  1. Solving quadratic equations by completing the square
                      1. Sometimes b*2 - 4ac is negative and there are then no real solutions.
                      2. Solving quadratic equations using the formula
                          1. Sketching graphs of quadratic equations
                            1. You can use the discriminant to establish when a quadratic equation has: equal roots, real roots, no real roots
                              1. Equal roots: b*2 = 4ac
                                1. Real roots: b*2 > 4ac
                                  1. No real roots: b*2 < 4ac
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