The Five Stages of Sleep


Yoey Kwok
Mind Map by Yoey Kwok, updated more than 1 year ago
Yoey Kwok
Created by Yoey Kwok almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Five Stages of Sleep
  1. Stage 1
    1. Preparing to drift off into sleep
    2. Stage 2
      1. Last about 20 seconds, brain begins to produce activities such as Sleep Spindles
        1. Body temperature drops and heart rates slow down
        2. Stage 3
          1. Deep, brain waves occur
            1. Transitional period between heavy and light sleep
            2. Stage 4
              1. Deep sleep lasting about 30 minutes
                1. Sleep walking and bed wetting usually occur at the end of this stage
                2. Stage 5
                  1. REM sleep occurs
                    1. Dreaming occurs, and muscles become more relaxed as there is an increase in brain activity
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