long time separation causes
someone to become harsh and
hard from inside; still has
"He isn't looking at the torch. He is
looking away, seared by the glitter
of anxiety in his little boy's eyes"
seems he does not care and understand feelings
he knows that 'his little boy'
is nervous and has 'anxiety'
to know how his dad will be.
he could
see how
much the
little boy
missed him
and felt
hence his incapability to fulfil his
little boy's wishes and live up to
his expectations is burning him,
leaves him 'seared'
shows that he is weak from inside
and can't face this situation
perhaps that is why he is looking away
separation forces child to mature early
" It's OK, the boy
decides, that his dad
hasn't looked at the
torch, hasn't studied or
handled it like Jim" [ 50]
his recomparison with
Jim's 'kindness' shows
his wish for such a
caring father
he wants to
feel the care
however as he is not
getting it, he is always
ignoring the bad quality
shows he
dad's situation
hope of
shows how
he is being
forced to
This kind of understanding not
expected from eight year old
Separation lays a child under pressure
and they often don't enjoy their childhood
"her eyes were bulging and
wobbly with tears, and he
thought he couldn't bear this:
that this moment which he had
looked forward to, longed for,
as his moment of joy, was a
moment of sadness for her."
"this moment
which he had
looked forward to,
longed for"
shows how desperate
he is for this moment
and so much willing to
live it
but mom's
'wobbly eyes' are
holding him back
he is feeling sympathy
and disloyal to her
her decisions influence his
bear this"
he wants to do both but pressure
of not being disloyal to either
Hence he is having to sacrifice his wishes for happiness of other
It is equally hard and painful for
parents to grow up children and
manage relationships after
"her voice was low and light" and
"There was a choke in her voice now,
and suddenly a kind of snarl" [25]
the check that
she is getting
'low and light'
when it should be
harsh and taunting
so does
not want
to hurt
she still
about him
'snarl' imagine that
she is growling
as if getting her anger out on him
hence a snarl is to
boost herself up
to stop her from being weak
how they have to fight
their own emotions
"When the boy
stepped into the
kitchen he saw
her start with
alarm and
shame." [27]
even harder with childre
she has to hide her
anger in front of child
maybe to
keep his faith
to stop him
from getting
and depressed
always has to
with her own
Child could be a way split
parents could be brought
"'Dad, hey, do you think
that horse wanted
something to eat?'" [153]
horse symbolises mom
son reminds that
they should not
leave mom behind
as dad is
weak, he
might not
be able to
bring the
but for sake of child,
the two parents might
have to live together
as son's presence
would bond parents
and make it less hard
for them
and wobbly
sticking in his mind
and always reminds
him of her and
raises questions
that mom
'doesn't want
him to go'
childhood is the
time when they are
centred between
their own and
other's feelings
they struggle to
come out of the
can't make the
right decision
hence end up
influenced by
Forgiveness and
"its OK, the boy decides that Dad didn't
handle the torch like Jim" [50]
understands dad's feelings
hopeful that he will improve
has the ability
to overcome his
mistakes -
"Beyond the gate is the open moor, pale in the early evening
with bleached end-of-summer grass, bruised here and there
with heather and age-old spills of purple granite." [2]
'beyond the gate' means
outside her mom's protection
'bruised' grass
symbolises hurt and pain
damage to represent
the fear in his mind
so concentrating on
dad's 'calf muscles'
meaning he is strong
that is why undecided
that 'after all he didn't
want to go'
curiosity and getting closer
makes him
appear weak
so constantly
questions to
find links
also a way to
engage dad
make it easier
for dad to talk
Finding joy in every small
thing than regretting
" The man says with robust authority: 'It's an
all-weather mountain tent. Two-man.' [86]
ignores fathers
irritation 'robust
find joy in the
fact that he will
be with his father
jot that dad
sees him as
capable 'man'
it is 'all weather'
meaning they will
fight all problems
Fear of
Mom fears losing son
fears as it is the
only relationship
his child into his
life?" [26]
she is aware and
afraid that dad is
trying to come
closer to her son
by phrasing it with a
question tag, she is trying
to be dominating
"you wouldn't expect
him to start now,
would you?" [25]
make him feel
subordinate, so that he
does not dare to do it
at the same time trying
to consolidate herself
that he 'wouldn't do' it.
at the same time very
cleverly hides it
"he saw her
start with alarm
and shame"
does not want to show this
dominance to son because she
fears he will hate him for being rude
hence her careful way of
handling it shows she fears
losing his faith and trust
Dad fears losing son
"he could only half-listen to his child's earnest desperate voice"
he is already
feeling as is his
child's voice is
fading away
could also means
that he cannot listen
to the depth of his
heart and feelings
this is causing the
fear of hurting him
as he can't
Son fears losing mom
"the light seeping
through her fuzzy hair
made the bones of his
shoulder ache" [30]
the light seeping through
the 'fuzzy hair' creates the
image of fading figure
as if she is
moving away
from him
this thought and
feeling is causing
him pain
'fuzzy hair' also makes
her seem distorted
which links to the
idea of compass and
she is disorientated
meaning she does not
know which way their
relationship will go
this state of mind
and lack of
assurance makes
the boy feel insecure
Son fears losing dad
every action of dad
raises questions and
fear into his mind
"does this make one of
the torches redundant?""
as if implying whether one will
not be able to light up and find
the way
hence if one
of them can't
find way, their
won't work
on his own
"unsettled by his subtle nervy hurry"
he can see how dad is avoiding him
feeling on his own
shows his weakness 'subtle'
can't protect him
unsuccessful relations
"Does that
make one of
the torches
and show
one of the torches
not used; meaning
one person does
not find the way
without both of
them playing their
role, they can't walk
on the same path
he is weak
"The boy's eyes are suddenly wide with fear and dismay: not with the notion that they'll get lost, but because of the
way the man's shoulders slumped and the tent in his hand dropped back onto the boot floor. "
moreover dad may
lose his self
confidence and not
lead the situation
weak and not
be able to
protect him
won't be able
to find the way
he will
with dad
from his
lose her
unsure about expendition
"Beyond the gate is the open
moor, pale in the early evening
with bleached end-of-summer
grass, bruised here and there" [2]
'beyond the
gate' shows
outside mom's
'bruised' grass symbolise
pain and damage
damage shows fear of unsafe
so reassures dad is strong by watching 'calf muscles'
relationship with mom
"The light seeping
through her fuzzy hair
made the bones of his
shoulders ache." [30]
'fuzzy hair' shows
she is distorted
links to the
idea of being
furthermore links
to compass
showing orientation
and way
meaning she
does not know
which way their
relationship goes
unsure future
of relationship
makes it painful
and insecure