

Rhythm= moves the eye from the point of emphasis through the rest of the design visual pathways rhythm & elements of design structural expression of rhythm types of rhythm madame grés
Mind Map by hannahk5, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hannahk5 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Visual Pathways
    1. variety in viewing process
      1. smooth, calm movements to jerky & from brief to extended
      2. Rhythm & Elements of Design
        1. Line, Shape, Form, Space, Texture, Light, Pattern, Color, Value
          1. colors contribute to rhythm when strong intensities catch the eye
            1. especially effective when viewed in spectrum or sequence
          2. Structural Expression of Rhythm
            1. need construction elements to turn flat piece of fabric into garment
              1. fabric type & pattern contribute to garment's rhythm
              2. Kinds of Rhythm
                1. Repition
                  1. reinforces important design elements
                    1. purpose: to move eye throughout the entire design
                    2. Progression
                      1. aka gradation
                        1. = sequence of adjacent units that change in steps from one to the next
                        2. Sequencing
                          1. one unit follows another in a particular order
                            1. lends itself to vertical or horizontal repeat of multicolored striping or embroidery
                            2. Parallelism
                              1. Utilizes equidistant units on the same plane
                              2. Alternation
                                1. striping features this rhythmic device
                                  1. = sequence of units that change back & forth
                                  2. Grid
                                    1. vertical & horizontal lines
                                      1. create tension that suggests stillness & formality
                                    2. Broken Rhythm
                                      1. rhythm works effectively even when broken
                                        1. interruption in pattern draws the eye to itself
                                        2. Transition
                                          1. used when an element's change is so subtle that it is difficult to notice
                                            1. but keeps the eye moving along the design
                                          2. All-Over Pattern
                                            1. eye automatically moves from motif to motif
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