Phillip Malloy


Mind Map of characters and how they relate to Phillip Malloy in the documentary novel, Nothing But The Truth by Avi
Mind Map by cmcshine, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cmcshine over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Phillip Malloy
  1. Miss. Narwin
    1. English and Homeroom Techer
      1. Phillip finds her boring and creates disruptions in her class
        1. Miss. Narwin thinks Phillip has potential, but wastes it joking around
      2. Feels out of touch with her students
        1. Wants to improve her practice
        2. Is denied grant money
          1. makes her angry
          2. Feels underappreciated
            1. Jealous of the music teacher, Kimberly Howard
            2. veteran teachers
              1. Dr. Doane is her former student
              2. Allison Doresett
                1. Classmate and crush
                  1. Pretty
                    1. Studious
                      1. Finds Phillip funny
                      2. Ben Malloy
                        1. Dad
                          1. Concerned about failing business
                            1. Only cares about track
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