Hormone release in the hypothalamus and the pituitary


BY205- Human Biochemistry Mind Map on Hormone release in the hypothalamus and the pituitary, created by Sammy Crockett on 12/12/2013.
Sammy Crockett
Mind Map by Sammy Crockett, updated more than 1 year ago
Sammy Crockett
Created by Sammy Crockett over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Hormone release in the hypothalamus and the pituitary
  1. Released in one tissue and transported in blood to target cells
    1. Endocrine messaging
    2. Produced in specialised cells
      1. Alter cellular response
        1. Activation of genes to synthesise enzyme or protein
          1. Increase or decrease transcriptional or translational control of protein synthesis
            1. Activation or inactivation by changing proteini 3D structure
            2. Hypothalamus
              1. Releasing hormones
                1. Anterior pituitary
                2. Inhibiting hormones
                  1. Anterior pituitary
                    1. Target organs
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