Medieval church


Mind Map on Medieval church , created by Marks Klindzans on 29/01/2016.
Marks Klindzans
Mind Map by Marks Klindzans, updated more than 1 year ago
Marks Klindzans
Created by Marks Klindzans about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Medieval church
  1. pope
    1. ruled the church
      1. his instructions = papal bull
    2. Tithe
      1. Tax to church
      2. Romanesque
        1. rounded arch
          1. thick walls
            1. pillars
              1. small windows
                1. towers
        2. Gothic
          1. pointed arches
            1. flying buttress
              1. stained glass
                1. tall spires
          2. beneddictine/cistercian
            1. monks=MONASTERY
              1. wore habits
                1. tonsure haircuts
                  1. abbot=head
                    1. imfirmirain cared for sick
                      1. almoner helped the poor
            2. religious services in clouded
              1. mass
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