Crude oil


Mind Map on Crude oil, created by Iris Noemí Cruz on 31/01/2016.
Iris Noemí Cruz
Mind Map by Iris Noemí Cruz, updated more than 1 year ago
Iris Noemí Cruz
Created by Iris Noemí Cruz over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Crude oil
  1. Extraction
    1. Locating the deposit
      1. Gwahar Saudi Arabia. (earth)
        1. Cantarell México. (sea)
          1. Rumalia Irak. (earth)
          2. Drilling
            1. A hole is punched into the ground by a heavy cutting tool called a bit that is attached to a cable and pulley system that extract the petroleum
            2. Extraction and transportation
              1. Extraction
                1. development wells
                2. Transportation
                  1. The transportation is made immediately after extraction to keep all their properties.
              2. Process
                1. Fractional Distillation
                  1. Fractional distillation differs from distillation only in that it separates a mixture into a number of different parts, called fractions.
                    1. Through fractioned distillation or Cracking, a process in which larger hydrocarbons are converted into smaller ones, which are more useful.
                    2. Conversion processes
                      1. consist of a molecular breakdown and becomes products more valuable: gaseous hydrocarbons, mixtures of materials for gasoline and diesel fuel.
                        1. During the process, some of the molecules combine (polymerize) to form larger molecules, they can be performed, in general.
                      2. Treatment
                        1. The crude oil has a some impurities like sulfur and nitrogen Using a process called hydrotreating
                          1. impurities are removed to reduce air pollution when our fuels are used, because about the 80 percent of crude oil is heavier in sulfur and nitrogen
                            1. The sulfur is converted to hydrogen sulfide and sent to the Sulfur Unit where it is converted into elemental sulfur.
                              1. Nitrogen is transformed into ammonia which is removed from the process by water-washing.
                        2. Formulation and mixing
                          1. The formulation and mixing is the process of mixing and combining hydrocarbon fractions, additives and other components for finished products with specific yield properties suitable process.
                          2. Others processes
                            1. Deasphalting.Distillation.
                              1. Solvent refining.
                                1. Acid treatment and clay. ETC.
                              2. is a complex mixture of organic compounds known as “hydrocarbons”. Most of them are either alkanes or aromatic hydrocarbons.
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