Machine code instructions


Mind Map on Machine code instructions, created by Timothy Herschell on 05/02/2016.
Timothy Herschell
Mind Map by Timothy Herschell, updated more than 1 year ago
Timothy Herschell
Created by Timothy Herschell over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Machine code instructions
  1. Computers can ONLY understand machine code, 0s and 1s. Therefore, all instructions are written in machine code.
    1. An instruction code is written in the form 0101 01 01001101
      1. Op codes
        1. The 1st four binary digits are the 'op code'. Op codes are operations the computer has been coded to do automatically.
          1. For example, the code 0101 could make the computer copy a register to a memory location.
        2. Registers
          1. All computers have registers. They are a volatile area to store data.
            1. Computers have different amounts of registers. If the register number is 2 digits long, the computer has only 4.
          2. Operands
            1. The operands are the data or memory location actually being used in the operation
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