

KS4 (GCSE) Year 8 (Geography) Mind Map on Kenya, created by Oliver H on 12/30/2013.
Oliver H
Mind Map by Oliver H, updated more than 1 year ago
Oliver H
Created by Oliver H about 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Main Features
    1. Main Physical features


      • Most visitors to Kenya fly into Nairobi - the largest city and in the central highland volcanic area. During the time when iit was very active, 2 cracks developed creating rift valley that runs N to S. Quakes and eruptions are now rare but the volcanoes can still be seen. Tallest = Mt. Kenya - 5,889 meters. It is foresty and green near the coast. The N and E is desert.
    2. Climate


      • The climate in Kenya is very hot, and there are no winters or summers. In the SW near Nairobi there is bright and clear weather with rain in the Afternoon. It is cool in the evening. In the N it is Hot and Dry with little / no rain. On the S coast it has a very high temp throughout the day with some cool sea breezes.
      1. Population


        • Unevenly spread due to migration and physical conditions. There is a high rural-to-urban migration rate. Many of the Masai move to the city. However this can cause a bad effect see "Maasai" for more info.
        • In the SE close to the coast of the Indian Ocean, the population is 3-6 people per sq km. It is very sparsely populated.
        • In the NE, close to Ethiopia and Somalia, the population is under 1 person per sq km. It is practically empty!
        • In the S, close to the border with Tanzania, the population is much higher 50+. It has a much denser population.
        1. Push / Pull Factors


          • If I was living in a Kikuyu Village, I would want to leave because: -Lack of jobs -Can't fully use education -Lack of Services I would like to live in Nairobi because: -More public services -More jobs -We can use our education.
          1. Life in a Kenyan City - Kibera, Nairobi
            1. Maasai
              1. Impact of tourism
                1. See essay below
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