Data Types


AS Level ICT A LEVEL Mind Map on Data Types, created by CGreen1997 on 07/01/2014.
Mind Map by CGreen1997, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by CGreen1997 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Data Types
  1. Boolean
    1. Boolean data holds one of two values.
      1. e.g. Yes or No/True or False
      2. Real
        1. Numerical data which contains decimals and is used when extra detail is required.
          1. E.g. Weight in Kg 12.75
          2. Integer
            1. Whole numbers
              1. E.g. Shoe size 8, 6, 3
              2. Text/String
                1. Any alphanumeric data.
                  1. E.g. Car registration EA05 NXR
                  2. Date/Time
                    1. Any data used to represent date and time.
                      1. E.g 14th May 2008
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