Chapter 2 - The objectives of firms


usman ahmed
Mind Map by usman ahmed, updated more than 1 year ago
usman ahmed
Created by usman ahmed over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Chapter 2 - The objectives of firms
  1. Normal profit-minimum cost needed to remain in the industry
    1. Supernormal profit is anything above normal profit
    2. Divorce of ownership from control - Any firm in which there are shareholders and managers
      1. Sales maximisation - P=MC
        1. Profit satisficing - making enough profit
          1. Is a form of X efficiency
          2. Profit maximisation - produce where MC = MR
            1. cost plus pricing
              1. Managerial theory
                1. Organisational theory - relative power
                2. Social objectives
                  1. Ethical supply chain
                    1. Environment
                      1. British goods only
                      2. PLC-LTD
                        1. Short term loss for long term profit
                          1. Growth
                            1. internal or Organic
                              1. External
                                1. Vertical integration forward/backward
                                  1. Horizontal
                                    1. Conglomerate
                                      1. Lateral
                                    2. Technological change
                                      1. Lower MES
                                        1. Better quality
                                          1. LRAC lowered
                                          2. Revenue maximisation, where MR=0
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