2: Understand the process of relationship counselling


Unit 14
Tim Kerslake
Mind Map by Tim Kerslake, updated more than 1 year ago
Tim Kerslake
Created by Tim Kerslake over 11 years ago

Resource summary

2: Understand the process of relationship counselling
  1. 2.4: Analyse the role of the counsellor within the process of relationship counselling
    1. Helping to grow the 'Adult' aspect/ego state of the clients, modelling good communication skills and relational attributes (empathy, respect etc.)
      1. Importance of congruence and being overt. Avoid 'taking sides'. Say it like I see it, and own it
        1. Witnessing the dynamics of the relationship. The relationship IS the client in this process.
        2. 2.1: Analyse pressures on relationships
          1. Social pressures - class, culture, education, status, interests/activities
            1. Family pressures - quality time, work vs. family, children, learned behaviour, responsibilities/relationships in the wider family
              1. Peer pressures - Judgement, comparisons, class, status, loyalty, competition, relationship history
                1. Practical Pressures - Finances, children, domestic chores, over/covert, equal/competing
                2. 2.3: Explain the concept of relationship as a dynamic within the counselling process
                  1. Evolution of the relationship - this will change and grow throughout the process
                    1. Working at relational depth, how is the relationship understood within the context of the relationship?
                      1. Developing trust, growing ability to challenge
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