Motor Learning


Higher Ed General Rehab Mind Map on Motor Learning, created by Laurie Schroder on 01/14/2014.
Laurie Schroder
Mind Map by Laurie Schroder, updated more than 1 year ago
Laurie Schroder
Created by Laurie Schroder about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Motor Learning
  1. Stages of Motor Learning
    1. Cognitive
      1. Lots of VCs
        1. Lots of focus
          1. Frequent errors
          2. Associative
            1. Fewer cues needed
              1. More self correction & refinement
                1. Slight variations possible
                2. Autonomous
                  1. No cueing needed
                    1. Multitasking possible
                      1. Able to respond to changes
                    2. Pre-practice Considerations
                      1. Understanding
                        1. Attention
                          1. Demonstration
                            1. Verbal instruction
                            2. Practice
                              1. Amount
                                1. Type
                                  1. Physical vs. Mental
                                    1. Part vs. Whole
                                      1. For part practice, difficult components practiced separately
                                        1. Possible with serial tasks
                                        2. For whole practice, the entire task is practiced
                                          1. Best for discrete or continuous tasks
                                        3. Blocked, Random, Random/Blocked
                                          1. Blocked - the same task, the same way, over and over
                                            1. Random - slight variations of the same task in an unpredictable order
                                              1. Random/Blocked - Variations of a task, in a random order, but more than once for each variation
                                            2. Variability
                                            3. Feedback
                                              1. Source
                                                1. Intrinsic
                                                  1. Extrinsic/Augmented
                                                  2. Focus
                                                    1. KoP - Knowledge of Performance
                                                      1. Intrinsic or extrinsic re: performance
                                                        1. Open Loop
                                                      2. KoR - Knowledge of Results
                                                        1. Extrinsic re: outcomes
                                                          1. Closed Loop
                                                      3. Timing or Frequency
                                                        1. Concurrent - extrinsic, during
                                                          1. Immediate, Post-Response - extrinsic, after
                                                            1. Delayed, Post-response - extrinsic, following a brief period
                                                              1. Summary, Post-Response - extrinsic, re: average perfomance
                                                                1. Variable - irregular, random, during
                                                                  1. Constant - regular, recurring, continuous, during
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