
Crime & Deviance (Topic 1) Mind Map on FUNCTIONALIST THEORY, created by CarrotSticks on 21/01/2014.
Mind Map by CarrotSticks, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by CarrotSticks over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Durkheim
    1. based on value consensus; society shares common culture
      1. produces social solidarity
        1. Socialisation - internalise norms & values
          1. Social control - rewards and punishments for behaviour
            1. does not mean that society creates crime in advance to produce social solidarity
              1. doesn't explain why crime exists
        2. Inevitability of crime
          1. too much crime destabalises society
            1. crime is normal - an integral part of society
              1. some people not socialised effectively - prone to deviate
                1. subcultures - norms differ from mainstream culture
                  1. modern society - anomie (normlessness)
                    1. rules become weak and less clear cut
                      1. complex division of labour - people become different
                    2. too little crime is repressing and controlling - prevents free will
                      1. what is the correct amount of crime?
                    3. Positive functions
                      1. Boundary maintenance
                        1. members become united by condeming the criminal as a group
                          1. punishment is to reaffirm shared rules and reinforce social solidarity
                            1. not functional for the victim
                            2. courtroom - reaffirms law-abiding and discourages rile breaking
                              1. Cohen - media dramatises evil; creates folk devils
                                1. might cause the opposite (isolation or conflict) e.g. women staying indoors in fear of attack
                                2. Adaption and change
                                  1. all change starts wih deviance
                                    1. people challenge existing norms and values which at first appears as deviance
                                      1. e.g. religious visionaries with a new message at first prosecuted but vaues then become a new culture
                                      2. Davis
                                        1. Prostitution = safety valve for the release of men's sexual frustrations w/o threatening the monogamous nuclear family
                                          1. not monogamous if the husband is cheating on the wife w/ prostitutes?
                                        2. Polsky
                                          1. Porn channels sexual desires away from alternatives
                                          2. Cohen
                                            1. deviance is a warning that an institution is not functioning well
                                            2. doesn't explain the effects on different groups/individuals - only as a whole
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