
Mind Map by xsm8xsm, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by xsm8xsm over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. FISH
    1. SOLE
      1. TURBOT


        1. TUNA
          1. HAKE
            1. Fish are oviparous animals, they come from eggs. They are vertebrates and they live in water ( seas, oceans, rivers, lakes...) ​ ​Fish eat plants, algae, insects and other fish.​ Fish breathe trough gills and they also ​have a special air bag called a swim bladder to avoid sinking.​ • Fish have their bodies covered in shiny scales. ​ ​• The body of a fish has two parts: The head and the trunk. Their extremities are the fins and the tail that they use to swim.
            2. MAMMALS
              1. TIGER
                1. SEAL
                  1. Mammals are viviparous: they are born from their mother's womb.​ Baby mammals drink their mother's milk.When thet are adults, they eat different things. They can be: herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. They have usually got four legs and their body is covered by hair. They usually live on land but they can also be found in the sea ( dolphins, whales ) They breath with their lungs. Aquatic mammals come to surface to breathe
                  2. BIRDS
                    1. NIGHTINGALE
                      1. PENGUIN
                        1. Birds are vertebrates. They are oviparous animals.​ Their bodies are covered with feathers.​ Birds have got two wings, two legs, and a beak. Birds can fly, but some of them like hen, can’t fly. Birds breathe through lungs. They eat seeds, fruits, insects, worms and other animals like fish and frogs.
                        2. REPTILES
                          1. SNAKE
                            1. LIZARD
                              1. CROCODILE
                                1. Reptiles are vertebrate animals. Reptiles are cold-blooded animals. They regulate their body temperature using the sun's heat. Most of reptiles are oviparous. All reptiles breathe through lungs. Reptiles have their body covered by scales. Reptiles live in all kind of habitats except polar ice and tundra.
                                2. AMPHIBIANS
                                  1. FROG
                                    1. Frogs, salamanders and toads are amphibians. Amphibians are cold- blooded animals. They are born in water and then they live on land. First they breathe through gills like fish but when they are adults they have lungs. They don't have any fur. Their skin is smooth and wet.
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