Electron Drift Velocity


Mind Map by EmmyBen, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by EmmyBen about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Electron Drift Velocity
  1. Factors affecting current
    1. Thicker wire - lower resistance
      1. Cool wires down - + ions wont move as fast to create obstacles for electrons
        1. More batteries - more current, giving energy to electrons in wires
          1. Materials with more charge carriers
            1. No. of charged particles
              1. Speed at which particles move
              2. I = n A V e
                1. n = no. of charged particles
                  1. A = area of wire
                    1. V = velocity of electrons
                      1. e = charge of electrons
                      2. Conductors
                        1. Electrons free to move
                          1. No. of available electrons depends on conductor
                            1. No. of density electrons
                              1. Good conductors - most charge carriers
                              2. Semi-conductors
                                1. Require energy to free electrons
                                  1. Lower density
                                    1. Electrons travel faster than in conductors due to low density
                                      1. Density increased by doping semi-conductor with impurities
                                      2. Insulators
                                        1. Electron density is 0
                                          1. Low voltages
                                            1. No free electrons
                                              1. Current unable to flow
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