a)explain how belief in sanctity of life may influence ethical approach to abortion


Mind Map on a)explain how belief in sanctity of life may influence ethical approach to abortion, created by pwincez_assy on 29/01/2014.
Mind Map by pwincez_assy, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by pwincez_assy over 10 years ago

Resource summary

a)explain how belief in sanctity of life may influence ethical approach to abortion
  1. -explain what sanctity of life is.-how God has power of giving and taking life and how divine life is.
    1. use biblical quotes, such as Genesis 1;26-28 man being in image of God. Exodus 20;13 command against murder. Job 1;21 suggesting only God can take life.
    2. link sanctity of life with natural law
      1. for example- preserving innocent life as a primary precept.
      2. bring in the idea of personhood.
        1. personhood can start from conception. Those who believe this may disagree with abortion.
        2. b) 'a foetus is not a person' discuss
          1. personhood is for those who have a conscious and are rational. A foetus does not have this therefore is not classed as a human.
            1. a foetus could also be seen as a potential person as it has yet to go through the process of growing which would then lead to it gaining genetic make up which is another aspect of personhood and also survival of independence. therefore a foetus could be considered a person.
            2. ectopic pregnancies
              1. this situation can lead to a certain time in which the foetus is not able to survive on its own therefore survival by independence would be considered
                1. however it can be argued that a foetus is a person from conception and that all the genetic material is present from contreception
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