Sylvia Plath - Morning Song


Mind Map on Sylvia Plath - Morning Song, created by caitrionaM94 on 04/02/2014.
Mind Map by caitrionaM94, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by caitrionaM94 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Sylvia Plath - Morning Song
  1. Themes
    1. Dedication
      1. "One cry, and i stumble from bed, cow-heavy"
      2. Struggles
        1. "We stand around as blankly as walls"
          1. confuses, inexperience as a mother
        2. Celebration of Life
          1. "the clear vowels rise like balloons"
            1. shows absolute love for child.(vowels crying)
          2. Inadequate
            1. "We stand around as blankly as walls"
              1. "I'm no more your mother"
              2. Depression
                1. "I'm no more your mother"
              3. Techniques
                1. Onomatopia
                  1. ""Our voices echo"
                    1. "Midwife slapped your footsoles"
                      1. effect: Brings scene alive
                    2. Imagery
                      1. Fat precious baby, conceived in love,
                        1. "Love set you going like a fat gold watch"
                          1. Watch standing for time, ticking of heart,
                        2. The entering of new life into the world
                          1. "took it's place among the elements"
                          2. of a child as a artwork
                            1. "New statue"
                              1. Amazement at new child, unique description
                            2. Helplessness of adults
                              1. "we stand round blankly as walls"
                              2. of babies breath
                                1. "your moth-breath"
                                2. maternal instincts
                                  1. "A far sea move in my ear"
                                    1. mother knows when babies crying
                                  2. Beautiful image of tears
                                    1. "The clear vowels rise like balloons"
                                  3. Key Quotes
                                    1. "Love set you going like a fat gold watch"
                                      1. Gold-value, watch-futility
                                      2. "New Statue"
                                        1. "Your nakedness Shadows our safety"
                                          1. "We stand around as blankly as walls"
                                            1. "All night your moth-breath"
                                              1. "A far sea moves in my ear"
                                                1. "One cry, and i stumble from bed, cow-heavy"
                                                  1. "Your moth opens clean as a cat's"
                                                    1. "Your handful of notes; The clear vowels rise like balloons"
                                                    2. Context of peom
                                                      1. Morning- the early life of newborn Frieda Hughes.
                                                        1. Song-the celebration.
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