1_DNA and Gene Expression


Concept Map on DNA and Gene Expression - Touches on Gene Regulation and the structure of DNA
Melania Pugliese
Mind Map by Melania Pugliese, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Melania Pugliese
Created by Melania Pugliese over 8 years ago
Melania Pugliese
Copied by Melania Pugliese over 8 years ago

Resource summary

1_DNA and Gene Expression
  1. Structure
    1. Double Helix
      1. Sugar-Phosphate Backbone
        1. Bases
          1. Adenine and Thymine
            1. Guanine and Cytosine
            2. Antipatallel
            3. Histones
            4. Genes
              1. Chromosomes
                1. Haploid
                  1. Gametes
                    1. Meiosis
                    2. Diploid
                      1. Somatic Cells
                        1. Mitosis
                      2. Alleles
                        1. Dominant
                          1. Recessive
                            1. Genotypes
                                1. Fork-Line
                                  1. Test Cross
                                    1. Pedigrees
                                  2. Phenotypes
                                    1. Punnet Squares
                                      1. Mendelian
                                        1. Homozygous
                                          1. RR
                                            1. rr
                                            2. Heterozygous
                                              1. Rr
                                            3. Nonmendelian
                                              1. Sex Linkage
                                                1. Color blindness
                                                2. Pleiotropy
                                                  1. Marfan Syndrome
                                                  2. Codominance
                                                    1. Hair Color
                                                    2. Multiple Alleles
                                                      1. Blood Type
                                                      2. Incomplete Dominance
                                                        1. Hair Type
                                                        2. Polygenic Inheritance
                                                          1. Skin Color
                                                      3. Transcription
                                                        1. Translation
                                                          1. Proteins
                                                      4. Nucleus
                                                        1. Eukaryotes
                                                          1. Multiple chromosomes
                                                          2. Prokaryotes
                                                            1. Singular chromosome
                                                              1. Plasmids
                                                          3. Mutations
                                                            1. Duplications
                                                              1. Cancer
                                                              2. Mutagens
                                                                1. Chemicals
                                                                  1. Radiation
                                                                  2. Deletions
                                                                    1. Cri-du-chat
                                                                    2. Translocation
                                                                      1. XX Male Syndrome
                                                                      2. Inversions
                                                                        1. Karyotype
                                                                          1. Aneuploidy
                                                                            1. Down Syndrome
                                                                          Show full summary Hide full summary


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