Business and Emploment itgs


san wis
Mind Map by san wis, updated more than 1 year ago
san wis
Created by san wis over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Business and Emploment itgs
  1. Traditional Businesses
    1. Employee monitoring
      1. Employee monitoring is the act of monitoring employee activity. Organizations engage in employee monitoring to track performance, avoid legal liability, protect trade secrets, and address other security concerns. The practice may impact employee satisfaction due to its impact on privacy.
        1. 1 Employee monitoring software 2 Telephone tapping 3 Video surveillance 4 Location monitoring
      2. Teleworking
        1. Because of the Internet and the ability to communicate with the company network from anywhere in the world, many workers now work part time or full time from home.


          • There is no fixed definition of teleworking, but the essential feature is the use of information technology to enable people to work away from the office. This could apply to people working full time or part-time at home, those dividing their time between home and the office, and mainly mobile workers who use their home as an administrative base. It is estimated that the average person spends around 4 hours travelling to work each week. That is a lot of time sitting in a car or train! So why isn't teleworking more popular?
          1. Employee Advantages:Flexible working hours Work around family obligations (young children, elderly parents) Can take a break during the day (walk the dog or catch the news) Save lots of time on traveling to and from work Save lots of fuel and parking costs Saves on global warming to some extent Collaboration is easy with internet connection
            1. Disadvantages:Always on call Harder to separate work from home life Work even longer hours Can be harder to be motivated No work colleagues to have a laugh with Career prospects may be affected
          2. Mail merge and macros
            1. Mail merge is a process to create personalized letters and pre-addressed envelopes or mailing labels mass mailings from a form letter – a word processing document which contains fixed text, which will be the same in each output document, and variables, which act as placeholders that are replaced by text from the data source.
              1. Many programs allow you to create macros so that you can enter a single character or word to perform a whole series of actions. Suppose, for example, that you are editing a file and want to indent every third line five spaces. If your word processor supports macros, you can create one that consists of the following keystrokes:
              2. The Internet, intranets, and extranets
                1. Supermarket technology
                  1. Automatic Checkout
                    1. Australian grocery chain Coles is working with IBM to install radio tags on grocery items that could be read as you leave the shop, with the bill paid via smartphone from your credit card. Now that would really cut down on checkout time!
                    2. Scanning Without Barcodes
                      1. Toshiba has created a new scanner that recognizes any item in the store, meaning barcodes are not necessary. The object recognition system uses pattern and color recognition to identity the product, including fruits and vegetables, and variations of fruit like red delicious apples.
                      2. Fuel Rewards
                        1. Many supermarkets across the country now reward shoppers with discounts on gas based on how much they spend at the grocery store. For example, Stop & Shop rewards $0.10 per gallon savings at Shell for every $100 spent. Some chains have introduced specials to lower gas prices even further. In April, for example, Spartan Stores ran a two-day deal offering .50 cents off a gallon, up to 20 gallons, for every $100 spent in its stores. Usually a shopper would have to spend $500 to earn these savings.
                        2. Supermarket Mobile Apps


                          • Many chains have introduced their own mobile apps with several useful shopping features. TheWegmans mobile app, for example, lets you scan a barcode on a product and automatically add it to your shopping list. It also features recipes and the ability to add the ingredients directly to your list. Weis Markets mobile app lets you view the weekly circular, and create and email a list to someone else. The Android version lets shoppers use their voice to add items to the list. With the new Harris Teeter mobile app, an enhanced store locator adds GPS technology and driving directions. Shoppers can also view their shopping lists offline and integrate them with their desktop shopping list. The application even provides text message notification and the ability to pre-order subs and sliced meats and cheeses in select stores.
                          1. Locating Products


                            • Aisle411 empowers anyone with a mobile phone to find products within retail stores. Easily find the in-store aisle location of a single item or route your entire shopping list on a mobile map of your store. Aisle 411 works in hundreds of stores around the country. The best part: No more aimless searching. 
                          2. Spreadsheets
                            1. What is a spreadsheet? A spreadsheet is a piece of software which is used to work out calculations. they can do a whole lot more than simply add up a column of chart Spreadsheets can handle all of the financial calculations for a large business, they can be used to work with statistics and to calculate probability or other statistical information, they can do complex trigonometry. Not only that, they can also make pretty snazzy graphs and charts that you can use to impress people. Spreadsheets can also be used as a simple flat-file database. But, at the end of the day, a spreadsheet really is just a glorified calculator - albeit a pretty amazing one!
                            2. Banking: digital payment
                            3. Online Businesses
                              1. E-commerce
                                1. E-commerce: C2C
                                  1. Running an online business
                                    1. Consumer data and advertising
                                      1. Web design
                                        1. E-marketing
                                          1. Travel sites
                                            1. Package tracking
                                            2. Transportation
                                              1. Smart cars
                                                1. Full body scanners
                                                  1. Traffic control systems
                                                    1. Vehicle tracking
                                                      1. Driver monitoring
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