Conditional sentences


Mind Map on Conditional sentences, created by Gabriele Foscarini on 01/06/2016.
Gabriele Foscarini
Mind Map by Gabriele Foscarini, updated more than 1 year ago
Gabriele Foscarini
Created by Gabriele Foscarini over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Conditional sentences
  1. Ação provável
    1. Main Clause
      1. Simple Future (will)
        1. If she talks to me | I will tell you immediately
          1. My heart is fine | I will definitely go
            1. He practices a lot | he will participate for sure
      2. Ação futura que ocorrerá se determinada condição for satisfeita
        1. If Clause
          1. Simple Present
        2. Ação improvável
          1. Ação indicada na oração principal dificilmente vai acontecer
            1. If Clause
              1. Simple Past
              2. Main Clause
                1. Conditional (would)
                  1. If she had time | She would take care more of her son
                    1. If I had money, | I would buy a pony.
                      1. I would travel around the world | if I were rich
              3. Ação impossível
                1. Referem-se a fatos passados
                  1. If Clause
                    1. Past Perfect
                    2. Main Clause
                      1. Conditional Perfect (would have)
                        1. If I had already told her | she would have had more options
                          1. If we had left home earlier, | we wouldn't have missed the bus.
                            1. Had I seen you at the party | I would have said hello
                    3. Causa e Efeito
                      1. É usada quando a consequência da ação que indica a condição já é conhecida antes
                        1. If Clause
                          1. Simple Present
                          2. Main Clause
                            1. Simple Present
                              1. If you don't feed the hamster | it die after some time
                                1. If you plant, | a plant grows
                                  1. If you boil water | it steams
                          3. Ordem
                            1. Pedido, ordem ou concelho
                              1. If Clause
                                1. Simple Present
                                2. Main Clause
                                  1. Imperative
                                    1. If you want to ran away | you need a plan
                                      1. If she thinks she can beat me | let her try
                                        1. If he wants to win | He need to practice
                                3. Condição imaginaria
                                  1. Situação que não pode se realizar
                                    1. If Clause
                                      1. Subject + were
                                      2. Main Clause
                                        1. Conditional (would)
                                          1. If he were taller | he would be a basketball palyer
                                            1. If I were you | I wouldn't go to thet way
                                              1. If I were a fly | I wouldn't go to the light
                                      3. Unless
                                        1. a menos que, a não ser que
                                          1. If Clause
                                            1. Main Clause
                                              1. Unless you come earlier | I won't wait for you
                                                1. Unless I stop smoking | I won't be allowed to enter
                                                  1. Unless you get the ticket | I won't go
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