Advanced Troubleshooting


Cisco ICT essentials Mind Map on Advanced Troubleshooting, created by sgurung9 on 26/02/2014.
Mind Map by sgurung9, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sgurung9 about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Advanced Troubleshooting
  1. Computer Components and Peripherals
    1. Step:1 Identifying the problem
      1. Open-ended questions
        1. What is the brand and model of the computer?
          1. What kind of computer do you have?
            1. What error message have you receieved?
            2. Close-ended questions
              1. Does anyone else have this problem?
                1. Have you changed your password recently?
                  1. Does this problem happen before?
                2. Step: 2 Establish a problem with a probable cause
                  1. Spyware.
                    1. Virus infection.
                      1. Incorrect password.
                        1. Faulty RAM.
                        2. Step:4 Establish a plan of action to resolve the problem and implement the solution.
                          1. Manufacture FAQ.
                            1. Technical Website.
                              1. Internet search.
                                1. Newsgroups.
                                  1. Device Manuals.
                                  2. Step:3 Test the theory to determine cause.
                                    1. Reboot the computer.
                                      1. Replace the RAM.
                                        1. Reset the Jumpers.
                                          1. Clean the Fans.
                                            1. Listen the beeps.
                                            2. Step: 5 Verify Full functionality and implement preventive measures
                                              1. Reboot the computer.
                                                1. Access all drives and shared resources.
                                                  1. Restart external devices.
                                                    1. Print a document.
                                                    2. Step:6 Document Findings, Actions and Outcomes
                                                      1. Discuss the solution implemented with the customer.
                                                        1. Provide the customer with all paperworks
                                                          1. Document the time spent to resolve the problem.
                                                            1. Document the step taken to solve the problem in the work order and techniv=cian's journal.
                                                          Show full summary Hide full summary


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