The Weimar Republic


Mind Map on The Weimar Republic, created by 2k10mbaker on 26/02/2014.
Mind Map by 2k10mbaker, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 2k10mbaker over 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Weimar Republic
  1. Treaty Of Versailles
    1. Germany had to pay £6.6 billion in reperations to Britian, France and America
      1. This caused major economic problems
      2. Germany had to reduce their army to 100,000
        1. They wern't allowed tanks, submarines or an airforce
        2. Germany were forced to accept all blame for the start of WW!.
          1. Made Germany feel like traitors
          2. Germany had to give up land back to Poland which was seen as humiliating
            1. They were also forbidden to unite with Austria
              1. The Rhinland was demilitarised
            2. ATTACKS
              1. From The Left
                1. The Spartacist uprising in 1919 was defeated by the Weimar government
                  1. The Weimar govenrmet were helped by the Freikops
                2. From The Right
                  1. During the Kapp Putsch, March 1920, Friekops seized power in Berlin while the army and police stood by
                    1. The Weimar government called on workers so they did and the kapp putsch failed.
                  2. French occupation of Ruhr
                    1. in 1923 French troops occupied the Ruhr when Germany failed to pay reparations
                      1. The workers wrecked equipment so the French couldnt make much money
                    2. Hyperinflation
                      1. The governemt printed money in order to pay reparations, making the money become worthless
                      2. The Recovery
                        1. Stressman
                          1. Intorduced a new currency- Rentenmark
                            1. Stabilised the country
                            2. Negotiated the Dawes Plan with the USA
                              1. In return for Germany starting to pay repirations again the USA agreed to lend them 800 million marks.
                                1. This could re-build new factories and produce new jobs

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