Making Housework Easier


is a map used to explain how to do household duties
maria valverde
Mind Map by maria valverde, updated more than 1 year ago
maria valverde
Created by maria valverde about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Making Housework Easier
  1. In south Korea
    1. There is a robot called Mahru Z.R.
      1. it can do the housework.
    2. intelliged refrigerators
      1. Can tell you when to buy food or defrost
      2. Apoliances
        1. Are common sights in modern homes
          1. Coffe makers , mixers, vacuum cleanes, dishwashers
            1. Some are takinp over
            2. Some people
              1. enyoy doing the housework
              2. Mahru Z.R. is too espensive
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