Sybil Birling


English Literature (An Inspector Calls) Mind Map on Sybil Birling, created by KCZ on 04/27/2013.
Mind Map by KCZ, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by KCZ almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Sybil Birling
  1. Social position
    1. Proud of it
      1. Traditional
        1. Stuck in her ways
        2. The rules of proper behaviour are more important than morals
          1. Social superior to Mr Birling
            1. Won't let anyone boos her around
              1. "no power"
              2. Doesn't understand the world
              3. Main characteristics
                1. Traditional
                  1. "There's no need to be disgusting
                  2. Proud
                    1. "I wasn'[t the only one of you who didn't give in to him"
                    2. Prejudiced
                      1. "a girl of that sort"
                      2. Cruel
                        1. "I accept no blame"
                      3. Strict standards
                        1. make her prejudiced against the working class
                          1. She thinks that they have lower standards
                            1. She can't beleive a WC person would not have accepted stolen money
                              1. She can't imagine her son being involved with "women of that sort"
                            2. It's these that make her blame the father of the child
                              1. and not herself
                                1. Because he got involved with a working class girl
                              2. She supports Charity
                                1. She isn't very charitable
                                  1. Uses her influence to have Eva removed
                                    1. angry that she pretends to have "fine feelings"
                                      1. Mrs B doesn't use her own when casting a verdict
                                  2. Themes
                                    1. Social Responsibility
                                      1. She thinks she should help people who deserve it
                                    2. Self centred
                                      1. Hasn't noticed E's drinking problem
                                        1. isn't worried G has lost interest after the summer
                                          1. "I accept no blame
                                            1. Doesn't learn from the Inspector
                                              1. She forgets Gerald's "disgusting affair" once the Inspector has left
                                            2. Stage directions
                                              1. "sharply"
                                                1. "bitterly"
                                                  1. "Triumphantly"
                                                    1. "smiling"
                                                      1. Amused
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