Still life at penguin cafe


Mind Map on Still life at penguin cafe, created by Hayleigh Vaughan98 on 29/04/2013.
Hayleigh Vaughan98
Mind Map by Hayleigh Vaughan98, updated more than 1 year ago
Hayleigh Vaughan98
Created by Hayleigh Vaughan98 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Still life at penguin cafe
  1. choregraphed by David Bintley
    1. Doomsday book of animals(David Day)
      1. music from Simon jeffes and penguin orchestra
        1. Album covers by Emily Young
        2. Music by Simon Jeffes
          1. Costume by Hayden Griffin
            1. Narrator is John B Read
              1. there are 8 sections
                1. The great auks and cafe ladies
                  1. The Utah longhorned ram
                    1. The Texan kangeroo rat
                      1. Hog-nosed skunk flea
                        1. Southern cape zebra
                          1. Aborigional people
                            1. Brazilian wooly monkey
                              1. The prologue/floods/ark
                              2. Endangered animals
                                1. 9 dancers plus corps de ballet
                                  1. Covent gardens,opera house,1988
                                    1. Cyclorama
                                      1. Procenium arch
                                        Show full summary Hide full summary


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