The Challenge of Cultural Relativism


James Rachel Reading 1
Mind Map by lt2012723, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lt2012723 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

The Challenge of Cultural Relativism
  1. Different Cultures Have Different Moral Codes
    1. Callatians (a tribe of Indians) customarily ate the bodies of their dead fathers
      1. Eskimos commonly committed infantcide
      2. Cultural Relativism
        1. challenges our ordinary belief in the objectivity and universality of moral truth
          1. 1. different societies have different moral codes
            1. 2. the is no objective standard for comparison
              1. 3. our moral code is just one of many
                1. 4. there is no universal truth in ethics
                  1. 5. the moral code of a society determines what is right within that society
                    1. 6. we should adopt an attitude of tolerance
                    2. The Cultural Differences Argument
                      1. premise
                        1. different cultures have different moral codes
                        2. conclusion
                          1. there is no objective truth in morality
                            1. right and wrong are matters of opinion
                            2. is not sound argument
                              1. the conclusion does not follow from the premise
                                1. proves nothing
                            3. The Consequences of Taking Cultural Relativism Seriously
                              1. 1. we could no longer say that the customs of other societies are morally inferior to out own
                                1. 2. we could decide whether actions are right or wrong just by consulting the standards of our society
                                  1. 3. the idea of moral progress is called into doubt
                                  2. Why There Is Less Disagreement Than It Seems
                                    1. the difference lies in our belief systems, not in our values
                                    2. All Cultures Have Some Values in Common
                                      1. there are some moral rules that all societies will have in common, because those rules are necessary for society to exist
                                      2. What Can Be Learned From Cultural Relativism
                                        1. warns us about the danger of assuming that all our preferences are based on some absolute rational moral standard
                                          1. teaches us to keep an open mind
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