Body cavities


Mind Map on Body cavities, created by Reisa Gasaprd on 07/09/2016.
Reisa Gasaprd
Mind Map by Reisa Gasaprd, updated more than 1 year ago
Reisa Gasaprd
Created by Reisa Gasaprd over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Body cavities


  • spaces within the body the house the internal organs
  1. Dorsal
    1. Cranial
      1. Verterbral
      2. Ventral


        • parietal serosa- thin membrane that lines the cavitiy wall visceral serosa- the portion that covers the organs
        1. Thoracic
          1. Pleural
            1. serosa= pleura
            2. Mediastinum
              1. Pericardal
                1. serosa= pericardium
            3. Abdominopelvic
              1. Abdominal
                1. Pelvic
                  1. serosa= peritoneum
                    1. peritoneal cavity
                      1. peritoneal fluid
                      2. parietal
                        1. visceral
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