Causes of the Reformation


Short- and long-term causes of the Reformation
Laurenz Z.
Mind Map by Laurenz Z., updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by B G over 7 years ago
Laurenz Z.
Copied by Laurenz Z. over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Causes of the Reformation
  1. Causes
    1. Long-term causes
      1. The decline of the church
        1. Strong Kings took control
          1. Curch lost power
        2. Renaissance
          1. printing press
            1. Spreading information without church
          2. Lollards
            1. John Wycliffe
              1. Pope isn't Christ's representative
            2. Indulgences
              1. Black Death
              2. Short-term causes
                1. Martin Luther
                  1. listed 95 Theses on the church door
                    1. Questioned practises of church
                      1. Pope was against him
                        1. Several supporters
                          1. Hid at Wartburg Castle
                        2. Monk
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