Technical Codes


As level Media Mind Map on Technical Codes, created by louiselaura.95 on 25/03/2014.
Mind Map by louiselaura.95, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by louiselaura.95 about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Technical Codes
  1. Layout and Design
    1. This is the use of colour, font style and text positioning.
      1. These all contribute to the overall style of the publication.
        1. Magazines have a house style and readers recognise this and expect it to be consistent.
          1. This may be through the font style used for the masthead and the colour codes.
        2. Camera Shots
          1. The choice of shot on a print text helps to communicate a meaning.
            1. A screen shot from a film on a film poster suggests the narrative and genre of the film.
              1. A close up of a performer on a music industry website contributes to their star persona and attracts their fan base.
              2. Lighting
                1. The way in which the image is lit helps in the construction of meaning.
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