Capabilities and limitations of ICT


Mind Map on Capabilities and limitations of ICT, created by Lauren Pickett on 26/03/2014.
Lauren Pickett
Mind Map by Lauren Pickett, updated more than 1 year ago
Lauren Pickett
Created by Lauren Pickett over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Capabilities and limitations of ICT
  1. Advantages of ICT over manual systems:
    1. Speed of the processing inculding faster searches.
      1. Repetitive processing done to consistent standard.
        1. Savings on storage.
          1. Ease of updating data.
            1. Accuracy & speed of data communication.
            2. Factors affectomg efficiency of data processing:
              1. Suitability of software for the task.
                1. Ease of use of software and HCI.
                  1. Compatibilty with other hardware and software systems.
                  2. What could cause problems?
                    1. Changes in requirments during the implemtation
                      1. Insufficent testing a system may crash when unexpected input is recieved.
                        1. Poor maintence prodedures.
                        2. Maintence procedure:
                          1. Perfective maintenance - Documentation kept up to date, Continual improvement of the system.
                            1. Adaptive maintence: It may need to expand in some areas, add new development.
                              1. Corrective maintenace - Errors which have been corrected e.g. wrong headers.
                              2. Factors affecting the efficency of data processing systems:
                                1. Hardware: The more RAM avaliable the more program instructions & data can be held and speeds up processing.
                                  1. Input GIGO : this shows that the output info is dependent on the accuracy of the input data.
                                    1. Software: Errors and bugs are caused due to poor software which can cause the computer to crash unexpectdally and some cases lose work.
                                      1. Communication: People in an organisation who will be involved in working with a new system should be consulted in its development there must be sufficent communcation between the developers and users of the system through all stages.
                                        1. Operating system: OS need to be up to date for new system software if it is not up to date it may not be capable of running the new system and vice versa.
                                        2. How to avoid post implemenation costs?
                                          1. Make sure your initial systems analysis was thorough and you have identified all the data flows and stores fully understand what the user wants.
                                            1. A detailed design is needed before the implemenantion which should be agreed by the user.
                                              1. Consult with unions to avoid strikes and delays.
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