Thyroid gland


Endocrine system and Reproductive system Mind Map on Thyroid gland, created by shelleymcgurk on 26/03/2014.
Mind Map by shelleymcgurk, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by shelleymcgurk about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Thyroid gland
  1. Is located at the front of the neck just below the Adam's apple. It is bow shaped and consists of two lobes located either side of windpipe
    1. Produces hormones which regulate the body's metabolic rate as well as heart and digestive function, muscle control, brain development and bone maintenance, its correct functioning depends on having a good supply of iodine (cereals, bread,oily fish and seaweed) from the diet
      1. This can could go wrong become overactive hyperthyroidism or under active hypothyroidism. This may rarely, occur from birth or develop later on in life.
        1. Thyroxine is the main hormone produced by thyroid gland (thyroid gland produces thyroxine). It important role in regulating many of the body's metabolic functions.
          1. Thyroxine and Triodothyronine
            1. Cells and tissues throughout the body
              1. Regulates metabolism in tissues, influences growth and cells division, influences mental development, stores the mineral iodine which it needs to manufacture thyroxin, stimulates the involuntary nervous system and controls irritability, increases urine production and breaks down proteins and increases uptake of glucose by cells
            2. Parathormone
              1. Distribution and metabolism of calcium and phosphorus

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