
The Demographic Transition Model (DTM) | AS AQA Geography A Population
Mind Map by james_hobson, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by james_hobson over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. UK Dates
    1. Stage 1 - Prehistoric to 1760
      1. Infant mortality is high, so people have more children to ensure the survival of some. There is less birth control and education leading to unplanned pregnancies
        1. For the UK, cheap gin drinking caused a higher death rate
          1. Tribes in the Amazon Rainforest - high BR and DR
          2. Stage 2 - 1760 to 1880
            1. Healthcare and medicine is improving, so birth rate remains high and the death rate falls
              1. In the UK, there was a ban on child labour (children were more expensive) so BR fell, DR fell rapidly due to outpatient clinics and Jenner's Smallpox vaccine (1798)
                1. Ethiopia - DR fallen to 15/1000/year, BR still high 38/1000/year
                2. Stage 3 - 1880 to 1940
                  1. Working more so fewer children
                    1. In the UK, BR fell as birth control information was spread by Rev. Bradlaugh, so families had less children, also the first world war meant having children was postponed for many people
                      1. Brazil - very low DR of 6/1000/year, BR fallen to 15/1000/year
                      2. Stage 4 - 1940 to Today
                        1. In the UK, at the end of the war there was a baby boom as people had the hope of a better future for their children, so BR increased
                          1. Although there was a period of natural decrease in 1975 due to the introduction of the contraceptive pill, as well as equal pay and economic recession.
                            1. UK - BR low at 11/1000/year, DR low but increased at 10/1000/year
                          2. Stage 5
                            1. Less people in the workforce and too many people claiming pensions, bad for the economy
                              1. Germany - BR of 8/1000/year, DR of 11/1000/year
                              2. Limitations
                                1. Not all countries follow it
                                  1. The DTM doesn't take into account factors that affect the birth/death rate
                                    1. The original model did not include stage 5
                                    2. Strengths
                                      1. Projects the future for countries in the lower stages
                                        1. Useful for giving data to the population changes
                                          1. Countries can be compared fairly
                                          2. Key Terms
                                            1. Birth Rate
                                              1. Number of live births per 1000 people per year
                                              2. Death Rate
                                                1. Number of deaths per 1000 people per year
                                                2. Natural Change
                                                  1. The change in size of a population due to the interrelationship between birth rates and death rates
                                                    1. BR>DR = Natural Increase
                                                      1. BR<DR = Natural Decrease
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