Understanding theory of mind and explain why children fail theory of mind tasks


development psychology (Major Cognitive Developments in Early life) Mind Map on Understanding theory of mind and explain why children fail theory of mind tasks, created by Elizabeth.T.Hill on 30/03/2014.
Mind Map by Elizabeth.T.Hill, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Elizabeth.T.Hill over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Understanding theory of mind and explain why children fail theory of mind tasks
  1. TOM: understanding that other people have minds that are different from your own
    1. Precursors to TOM:
      1. Joint Attention: realise what adults are looking at and check by looking if they could also be interested
        1. social referencing: e.g. pointing to direct attention
        2. Key Skills in TOM development:
          1. "seeing leads to knowing"
            1. intentional VS accidental = see difference when comes to punishment - if intentional should be harder punished
            2. predicting others intentions:
              1. complete VS incomplete actions = 12 months copy VS 18 months copy and complete the action
                1. Meltzoff 1995
              2. understanding desires:
                1. 2 yr olds = Broccoli Task = Broccoli VS Biscuits
                  1. at 2 yrs can make decisions about what others want even if not what they wnat
                  2. 2-3 yr olds = strat understanding.....imagination, dreams, shadows = understand have mental experience as well as physical
                    1. 3 yr olds can explain others behaviours while using own beliefs
                    2. False Belief understanding
                      1. children with a mature mind will know whatt others will think about the false belief task - hiding the ball
                        1. appearance/reality task, which is in the smarties box - smarties or pencils
                        2. What Skills is TOM necessary for?
                          1. deception and lying (autism cannot do) - without mature TOM cannot understand lying
                            1. to successfully deceive someone need to understand: seeing leads to knowing and people can be wrong if the situation changes without their knowledge
                              1. deception is rudimentary at first but quickly becomes sophisticated
                            2. Why does autism lead to TOM deficets?
                              1. lack the ability to distinguish between what exists in the mind and what exists in reality
                                1. impaired that something can have 2 functions - dinosaur pen, "what is the brain for?" - will say physical reasons but not mental (imagination, dreams)
                                  1. impaired in seeing leads to knowing
                                    1. impaired in appearance VS reality
                                    2. Social Skills:
                                      1. we lie to.....avoid awarkardness, avoid punishment, maintain relationships, please other people and satisfy ourselves
                                        1. women find it easier to lie and are better at it - faster and more efficient and more credible
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                                        Understand other cognitive developments which occur early in life: memory and theory of mind
                                        To address the methodological challenges in studying memory in infants.
                                        Age-related changes in encoding, retention and retrieval using studies of operant conditioning
                                        Piaget Theory: Stage 1 - Sensorimotor Period = birth - 2yrs
                                        Understand other cognitive developments which occur early in life: memory and theory of mind - created from Mind Map
                                        Age-related changes in encoding, retention and retrieval using studies of operant conditioning - created from Mind Map
                                        To address the methodological challenges in studying memory in infants. - created from Mind Map
                                        Describe common research designs: Developmental Theorists
                                        Cognition Development
                                        Object permanence - sensorimotor period
                                        Accomplishment of SM period: