Future Forms and Examples


Writing skill
José Luis Polo Andrade
Mind Map by José Luis Polo Andrade, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
José Luis Polo Andrade
Created by José Luis Polo Andrade almost 8 years ago
José Luis Polo Andrade
Copied by José Luis Polo Andrade almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Future Forms and Examples
  1. Subject + WILL
    1. Subject + TO BE + GOING TO + .....
      1. Subject + TO BE + VERB... + ing
        1. Subjet + TO BE + LIKELY TO + ...Verb...
          1. Subject + WILL + HAVE + PAST PARTICIPLE + ....


            • This is a non common future forms


            1. After tomorrow, I will have passed the mathematics exam
            2. Subject + TO BE + ABOUT + TO + ...Verb...
              1. Subject + WILL + HAVE + BEEN + ...Verb+..ing (Present participle)
                1. After tomorrow, I will have been playing as a great player
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