Designing Algorithms


Mind Map on Designing Algorithms, created by Sachin Othendee on 21/11/2016.
Sachin Othendee
Mind Map by Sachin Othendee, updated more than 1 year ago
Sachin Othendee
Created by Sachin Othendee over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Designing Algorithms
  1. Common pseudocode notation
    1. Input
      1. indicates a user will be inputting something
      2. Output
        1. Indicates that an output will appear on the screen
        2. While
          1. A loop
          2. For
            1. a counting loop
            2. Repeat-until
              1. a loop that has a condition at the end
              2. If-then-else
                1. A decision in which a choice is made
              3. Common flowchart symbols
                1. Start and stop
                  1. The begginning and the end points in the sequence
                  2. Process
                    1. An instruction or a command
                    2. Decision
                      1. Either yes or no
                      2. Connector
                        1. A jump from one sequence to another
                        2. Direction of flow
                          1. Connects the symbols
                            1. Arrows show the direction of flow
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