Mind Map #1


GCSE Creative Media Mind Map on Mind Map #1, created by George Vickers on 11/29/2016.
George Vickers
Mind Map by George Vickers, updated more than 1 year ago
George Vickers
Created by George Vickers about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Mind Map #1
  1. Who to interview
    1. Headmaster
      1. Dept-Head
        1. Head Girl
          1. Head of Hockey
            1. Pilots
              1. Girls (Who Ride Houses)
              2. Camera (Shots)
                1. Drone (Over School)
                  1. Drone (Astro)
                    1. Chapel
                      1. Girls House
                        1. Activities (eg: Horse Riding)
                          1. Head Master Interview (Office)
                            1. Class Room
                              1. Tuckshop
                              2. Permission
                                1. Headmaster
                                  1. Drone (Near Buildings/People)
                                    1. Chaplin
                                      1. House Mistress
                                        1. Dept-Head
                                        2. Cameras/Resolution
                                          1. Drone (720p/60fps)
                                            1. Nikon D5200 (720p/60fps)
                                              1. IT Cam Recorder (720p/60/30fps)
                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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