Creative Media: Regulatory Bodies


A set of flash cards containing the basics on each of the governing bodies involved in the media industry
Matthew Sullivan
Flashcards by Matthew Sullivan, updated more than 1 year ago
Matthew Sullivan
Created by Matthew Sullivan about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) Classification of age ratings for films in the UK -To protect children and vulnerable adults from potentially harmful or otherwise unsuited content -to empower consumers particularly parents and those with responsibility for children to make informed viewing decisions
ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) -Regulates adverts -Aims to make every UK advert a responsible advert -Operates independently of government and industry
IPSO (Independent Press Standards Organisation) PCC (Press Complaints Commission) shut down in 2014 to be replaced by IPSO IPSO: -hold newspapers and magazines to account for their actions -protect individual rights -uphold high standards of journalism -help maintain freedom of expression for the press
OFCOM (Office of Communications) Regulate all communications in the UK, including television and radio broadcasts as well as phones, telecommunication and the internet.
PEGI (Pan European Game Information) Provides age ratings to video games to allow (mainly parents or those with responsibility for children) to make an informed decision on consumption of a product.
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